
Aug. 12, 2023

How Ignatian Examen Helps Heal Abandonment Wounds

INTEGRATIVE PERSPECTIVE TO PRAYER, ATTACHMENT, COMPLEX TRAUMA In this live I share how the Ignatian Prayer of Examen (Examen of Consciousness) had helped me develop a more securely attached relationship with God. If you’re someone who desires to trust God more but struggle to, or you constantly struggle with anxiety…

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Aug. 11, 2023

Why Becoming Our Own Person Is Required to Mature in Love

DAY 17: Why Becoming Our Own Person Is Required To Mature in Love In order to love authentically, we need to have a healthy sense of who we are as a separate SELF. In this video I talk about why being enmeshed or too detached in our relationships both prevent…

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Aug. 10, 2023

Growing in the Ability to Govern Ourselves with Love

Do have that earned trust in our emotions? Without this trust, we find ourselves having a hard time making prudent and wise decisions for ourselves. Catch Episode 79 of the Becoming Me Podcast and find out more on why it is so important to trust our emotions and what happens…

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Aug. 8, 2023

Doing the right thing vs being authentically loving

Day 16: “Doing the Right Thing” vs Being Authentically Loving There’s a world of difference between shutting down our emotions and ignoring our needs to “do the right thing” and being genuinely, authentically loving with our whole being. In this video I explain the distinction and share with very concrete…

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Aug. 8, 2023

Being at Home with Ourselves

Why is it that relationship with ourselves is so important and yet, we don't talk about it enough? Our hunger, that loneliness, that desire to be loved; it is something that we can possibly give ourselves. But first, we must learn how to be at home with ourselves. Find out…

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Aug. 7, 2023

How God Led Me To Trust Him Through My Body

Day 15: How God led me to TRUST him through my BODY Did you know your lack of a good relationship with your own BODY prevents you from being able to TRUST God, Self or others? In this video I share how God led me to reconsider my relationship with…

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Aug. 4, 2023

Where God Dwells

Are there apects of yourself you find hard to face or look at? What we don't realise is that God dwells where we dare not go to face our brokenness and wounds. Are we more willing to go there, knowing that God has made His home in these places within…

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Aug. 4, 2023

Attuning to vs Controlling Emotions

Day 14: Attuning to VS Controlling Emotions We often try to control our emotions in order to “be loving” but by doing so we actually make it harder for us to make authentic connections. In this video I share my experience of the difference between controlling my emotions and attuning…

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Aug. 3, 2023

Our Inner Reality

God does not only dwell outside of us. He dwells inside us, in our innermost being. This is why the focus is on the interior journey. The answers to the human condition cannot be answered by actions outside of us. It has to come from an interior reality that is…

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Aug. 1, 2023

Life's interruption is the invitation to your REAL work

Day 13: Life’s interruption is the invitation to your REAL work Illness. Burn out. Relationships breaking down. Death. Losing a job. Giving birth. These are some of life’s interruptions that can throw us off our carefully planned lives and make us feel destabilised. Our instinct is usually to overfunction and…

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Aug. 1, 2023

How Hard is the Interior Journey?

Many of us don't realise how hard the interior journey is. I was unprepared and had no idea what laid in store for me. In this episode, I share about how my journey started and how much I struggled in the beginning of my journey. I invite you to listen…

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July 31, 2023

The Experience of Deep Lonliness

In the first day of my 30-Day Instagram Live challenge, I talk about my experience of deep loneliness and how my interior journey started. In my great longing to be seen and loved, I stumbled on a relationship with Christ. Find out more on Episode 76 | Why I Began…

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July 31, 2023

Slowing Down Is About Freedom

Day 12: Slowing down is about FREEDOM It’s not how slow or fast you are, it’s the quality of the energy and presence you embody that shows how much space is within you. Slowing down is a way of cultivating that SPACE within us that enables us to exercise our…

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July 27, 2023

Why Your Self-Knowledge Needs To Be More Specific

Day 11: Why your self-knowledge needs to be more specific The more specific and concrete we can get about knowing the way we are uniquely created and how to be aligned with our design, the freer and more confident we become in making our journey and in taking up the…

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July 26, 2023

Discerning Personal Vocation

Vocation is the unique, unrepeatable story of our lives. How can we be more aware of our stories and of discerning our vocation? We first need to enter the process of "becoming me" - more fully and deeply. Find out more in Episode 67 | The Reality of Discerning and…

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July 25, 2023

Why Striving Harder Doesn't Work

Day 10: Why striving harder doesn’t work for the interior journey. We are used to getting results in many areas of life by working harder, pushing past our limits and bypassing our weaknesses. These methods that we default to actually backfire when we try to use them to grow in…

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July 25, 2023

The Interior Journey

What does this interior journey entail? What does it take to discover and live out our personal vocation? Find out more and revisit Episode 68 | Do we Feel Safe Enough to Discover our Life's Purpose? Listen to the full episode: Website: Spotify: Apple Podcasts:

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July 24, 2023

How Do I Balance Compassion and Zeal?

Day 9: How do I balance compassion & zeal? Many of us struggle between demanding standards and being compassionate as we know we are called to be. In this video I invite you to observe the energy underlying your zeal or desire to be compassionate. Are these tied to a…

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July 20, 2023

How Do I Act From Interior Freedom?

Day 8: How do I respond from a place of freedom? In today’s live I responded to a question about FREEDOM. What does it mean to be interiorly free? What is that freedom like? How do we recognise when we are unfree? How can we become more free? Watch this…

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July 20, 2023

Being compassionate with ourselves

So often, we forget to treat and look at ourselves with curiosity, reverence, and most importantly, compassion. How often do we ask ourselves questions that allow us to sit with ourselves and to check in with our emotions? Re-Listen to Episode 26 | Can You be Gentler with Yourself? Listen…

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July 19, 2023

Timing, Grace and Readiness

Day 7: Timing, Grace & Readiness In this live I explain three factors that we often miss out in our understanding of the interior journey. If you've been frustrated at your lack of progress even though you've been putting in effort, it may be due to one of these factors…

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July 17, 2023

3 Ways Spiritualising Blinds Us From Truth

Day 6: 3 Ways Spiritualising Blinds Us From Truth One mark of a lack of interior integration is SPIRITUALISING. And this can have real detrimental impact on ourselves, our families and our communities. Watch this video to hear me talk about three specific ways that spiritualising blinds us from reality…

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July 16, 2023

Taking a break to re-enter myself

We often feel this sense of guilt when we think we need a break. Do we really have to strive and continuously push ourselves when we have nothing left to give? We were not designed to live this way. Re-Listen to Episode 63 | Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (With Nicole Law)…

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July 15, 2023

Becoming Freeer From Parental Wounds

Day 5: The most difficult and courageous thing I've ever had to do in the interior journey was confront the TRUTH of my relationship with my parents and the ways they have wounded me. In this episode I share why acknowledging the painful truth of how our parents have wounded…

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