
Nov. 15, 2023

What if my True Self doesn't land well with others?

Does connecting to self necessarily result in connecting with others? What if my true self doesn't land well with others? In this live video I explain how AUTHENTIC connection with others bear the marks of the fruits of the Holy Spirit even when that connection is painful. Showing up as…

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Nov. 13, 2023

Ignoring Signals telling us we are in Dissonance

Once we truly recognise how perfectly loved we are by God, our woundedness and brokenness will not matter anymore. With this confidence in God's perfect love, we are able to know that God created us the way we are for a specific and unrepeatable purpose. It is often a challenge…

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Nov. 10, 2023

How Dissonance Invites You Home To Your True Self

Have you ever felt that gut-wrenching feeling that something just isn't right in your life, but couldn't quite pinpoint the cause? That sense of dissonance might actually be the key to unlocking a more authentic and fulfilling life. In this heartfelt conversation, I examine the importance of authenticity and attunement,…

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Nov. 9, 2023

Freedom to Be Who You were Created to Be

A big part of being an Interior Integration Coach is freedom. My journey has allowed me to experience freedom from the chains that bind me, chains that I may not have known were there. This freedom is what I want others to experience as well. We need to be free…

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Nov. 8, 2023

How Important Is It To Choose A Catholic / Christian Therapist?

An overwhelming majority of Catholics I know prioritise having a Christian or Catholic therapist. But how important is a therapist’s faith in their effectiveness for our interior journey and how much difference would having a Christian/Catholic therapist make vs one who doesn’t share our faith? In this video I unpack…

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Nov. 6, 2023

Attunement and Being Present

Are we able to attune to other's emotions? So often, we don't account for the importance of attunement in our lives and in the lives of others. Attunement makes all the difference in a person flourishing. I invite you to listen to Episode 104 | Why You Can't Flourish Without…

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Nov. 4, 2023

Dignified as Christ's Beloved

When we think of dignity, do we realise that it is specific for each person? Do we truly believe that we are Christ's beloved and that we are worthy and have dignity, even when our lives are messy and don't match the societal ideal? Find out more on Episode 103…

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Nov. 2, 2023

Trusting our Desires to Align with God's Plan

When we encounter a triggering situation or a triggering comment regarding our life state, how do we respond? Most of us find it hard to associate God's goodness without having children. But are we able to trust in His plan for us? Are we able to trust that our desires…

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Nov. 1, 2023

4 Considerations When Choosing A Therapist

How do you choose a therapist to help you in your journey of healing and integration? In this video I cover 4 important factors to consider when discerning and choosing a therapist for your current needs. Whether you are wondering how to choose your first therapist or you feel it’s…

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Oct. 30, 2023

How Inner Healing has Changed Me

In this Episode of the Becoming Me Podcast, I share about how deepening in healing has helped me and changed me and my interior journey. I used to be fixated on the specifics of certain things and was only able to react, instead of respond. Since beginning inner healing, I…

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Oct. 28, 2023

Aligning our Core

Once we begin our inner healing journey, we are able to discern better and work in alignment with our core. To find out more, I invite you to listen to my 100th Episode | Why You Can't Discern Mission Without Healing Listen to the full episode: Website: Spotify:…

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Oct. 27, 2023

Focusing on Love, Instead of Sin

When does sin begin? The more important question to ask is how secure is our relationship with God? If we are unable to feel safe and secure in God's love, we will be fixated on sin and how not to sin, when the focus should be on the face of…

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Oct. 26, 2023

Deepening Inner Healing to be more Free

I often speak about the joy that comes with freedom. We need inner healing to be our foundation because when we are more healed, we are more integrated in our cores to recognise who we truly are. This is the joy. This is the freedom that no one can take…

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Oct. 25, 2023

5 Considerations When Choosing A Spiritual Director

Choosing a new spiritual director can be daunting. How do we go about discerning who to ask and how do we know if he/she is the right person for us? In this live I offer 5 practical considerations that can help you in your discernment as you look for a…

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Oct. 23, 2023

We Can't Discern Without First Accepting Ourselves

We may desire to discern our mission and purpose, but if we are still resisting the reality of who we truly are, how can we possibly be open to the path God is inviting us to walk? We need to be able to accept and love ourselves first, then we…

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Oct. 23, 2023

Unapologetically Ourselves

What is this liberation or freedom that we long for? It is the freedom to be our true selves without the fear of abandonment. It is the freedom to be unapolegtically ourselves, without any fear or shame of what others may think of us. I invite you to listen to…

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Oct. 19, 2023

Responding in Alignment with Our True Selves

In this episode, I share about two different stories or examples from different times in my life. Stories, where both scenarios were similar, but my response was starkly different. To find out more about how my long journey into integration and wholeness has helped respond in alignment with my true…

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Oct. 18, 2023

Is It Time To Change Spiritual Director or Therapist?

How do you know if it's time to change spiritual director or counselor/therapist? In this live I explain why it is important to be able to tell when it's time to change and three indicators that can help you assess if it's time to change your spiritual director or therapist.…

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Oct. 16, 2023

Developing Secure Attachment despite Disconnectedness

We live in a high stress environment and our bodies may constantly be in hypervigilence. This means that we are usually disconnected from our internal states. This sense of disconnectednes is everywhere. How can we then learn to develop secure attachment as adults? Find out more on Episode 98 |…

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Oct. 16, 2023

Trailer #2

Why are we so often triggered by specific comments people make about us? Perhaps, on some level, we believe it to be true. If we are grounded in our core, we are better able to see what is true about ourselves. When this happens, we will be less triggered and…

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Oct. 12, 2023

Groundedness in Ourselves

The deeper we go into this journey of authenticity and integration, the more we are able to work through the different layers of ourselves. This becomes more instinctive as we progress. We find it second-nature to pause and give ourselves space to respond, instead of reacting. Find out more on…

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Oct. 12, 2023

The Contemplative Heart of Interior Integration

When we look at all the different parts of the interior journey we can get overwhelmed. It is essential to know our “home base” - the fulcrum of a lever, the hub of the wheel which is the STILL SPOT around which everything else turns and moves. This is the…

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Oct. 9, 2023

Overwhelming Recollections and Memories

Are you at the point of your journey where you feel overwhelmed by memories or feelings of vulnerability with certain groups of people? If you are, first acknowledge that this is grace. Grace has brought you to this point. I invite you to listen Episode 96 | 3 Steps To…

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Oct. 9, 2023

Asking Unabashedly

A huge part of my healing journey includes Miko, my dog. Miko has been, and continues to teach me how to be unabashedly myself and to ask shamelessly, in the strong and deep knowing that I am loved. Find out more on Episode 95 | Healing Through Delight, Beauty, Rest…

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