When leadership is both temporal and eternal

What is distinctive about leadership for a lay Catholic, whether we are exercising leadership in our families, at work, or in church communities and ministries?

We are called to exercise a leadership that is both temporal (here and now) and eternal, AND we are called to holiness through our lives in the secular world.‘To be secular is the special characteristic of the laity’ (Lumen gentium, 3). Lay Christians are called to transform the world in and through God in a genuine and secular spirituality.

Such a spirituality can only come about through an interior integration of all the dimensions of our lives - in body, mind, heart and soul.In A Leader’s Spirituality (ALS) we explore what this means and how we can begin to practice the integration between what we believe and how we love as well as lead.

ALS addresses the question, “How can I be an authentic and spiritually fruitful leader for Christ?”

It combines Church teaching on the mission of the laity with a practical psycho-spiritual approach that helps you to go beyond an intellectual understanding of faith and encounter Christ in the practical struggles of leadership.

The third run of ALS will be held from Sep 17 - Oct 29 this year. This is the only course I am currently teaching and I would love to have you join!